Storybook UI

Storybook UI

This application is a Storybook, a tool primarily used for developing UI components in isolation. It facilitates the creation and showcasing of various UI components by generating stories based on the @natu/ui library. These stories serve as interactive documentation, allowing developers to visualize and interact with individual components independently of the larger application context. By leveraging Storybook along with the @natu/ui library, developers can efficiently iterate on and test UI components, ensuring consistency and quality across their projects. Storybook's ability to automatically generate stories from the @natu/ui library streamlines the development process, enabling developers to focus on building robust and visually appealing user interfaces.

Available Scripts

Run storybook locally:

yarn storybook

Build storybook:

yarn storybook:build

How to deploy on vercel




See /packages/storybook app as a reference here