
🎨 UI

This package contains all pure React components to be used within the project.

The package utilizes the shadcn (opens in a new tab) component library.

The main foundations of this package:

  1. Components are as universal as possible and have minimal communication with each other
  2. Components are imported and used among themselves
  3. Package already contains some basic components and can be extended when developing an app

🤓 Usage

To use components defined within this package in other package or app, import it as a dependency in its package.json file:

"dependencies": {
  "@natu/ui": "*",

Then import & use components like normal React components within package or app you added them to:

import { ComponentName } from '@natu/ui';
export const Sample = ({ prop1, prop2 }: SampleProps) => (
  <ComponentName {...componentProps} /> // provide the props for particular component

Components included

A short description of the purpose and usage of the components already included in this package.


Displays content within a desired ratio. Uses React Aspect Ratio from shadcn/ui ↗ (opens in a new tab). Usage:

import { AspectRatio } from '@natu/ui';
interface SampleProps {
  ratioX: number;
  ratioY: number;
export const Sample = ({ ratioX, ratioY }: SampleProps) => (
  <AspectRatio ratio={ratioX / ratioY}>
    // the content to display within a desired aspect ratio goes here


Reusable button with variants handled with class-variance-authority ↗ (opens in a new tab). Uses shadcn/ui ↗ (opens in a new tab). Usage:

import { Button, ButtonProps } from '@natu/ui';
interface SampleProps {
  className: string;
  variant?: ButtonProps['variant'];
  size?: ButtonProps['size'];;
  asChild?: boolean;
export const Sample = ({ className, variant, size, asChild }: SampleProps) => (
    // other HTML button attributes goes here
    // the content of the button ex. link/text goes here

The prop asChild - if it's true, the component will render as a child (without the <button> wrapper) - it's very useful ex. for rendering links styled as a button:

import { Button } from '@natu/ui';
import { Link } from '@natu/next-link';
export const Sample = ({ className, variant, size, linkProps, children }: SampleProps) => (
    asChild // the button will render as a <Link>
    <Link {...linkProps}>{children}</Link>


Shows the formatted code with the ability to copy. Uses lucide-react's icons ↗ (opens in a new tab) and Highlight from prism-react-renderer ↗ (opens in a new tab). Usage:

import { Code, CodeProps } from '@natu/ui';
interface SampleProps {
  className?: string;
  code?: string;
  language?: CodeProps['language'];
export const Sample = ({ className, code, language }: SampleProps) => (
  <Code className={className} code={code} language={language} />;


Simple component which renders differently depends on href property:

  • If it's provided - it renders as a link,
  • If it's not provided - it renders as childen without an additional wrapper.


import { ConditionalLink } from '@natu/ui';
interface SampleProps {
  linkProps: AnchorHTMLAttributes<HTMLAnchorElement>; // including `href` property
export const Sample = ({ linkProps }: SampleProps) => (
  <ConditionalLink {...linkProps}>
    // content goes here - if there's no href, only this part will be rendered


Ready-to-use dropdown menu component. Uses lucide-react's icons ↗ (opens in a new tab). Based on Dropdown Menu from shadcn/ui ↗ (opens in a new tab) (go there for all implementation & usage details). Usage:

import { DropdownMenu, DropdownMenuContent, DropdownMenuItem, DropdownMenuTrigger } from '@natu/ui';
export const Sample = () => (


Component rendering header, footer and <main> element with children inside. All elements will render in div wrapper with some basic classes implemented. Can be used ex. in layout pattern ↗ (opens in a new tab) in app.


import { Layout } from '@natu/ui';
interface SampleProps {
  children?: ReactNode;
  header?: ReactNode;
  footer?: ReactNode;
export const Sample = ({ header, footer, children }: SampleProps) => (
    // other component props goes here ex. className, ref etc.


Ready-to-use popover component. Based on Popover from shadcn/ui ↗ (opens in a new tab) (go there for all implementation & usage details). Usage:

import { Popover, PopoverTrigger, PopoverContent } from '@natu/ui';
export const Sample = () => (


Simple next/image ↗ (opens in a new tab) wrapper. Using the wrapper:

  • Limits changes to this one place in case of any default package updates
  • Adds possibility to implement some adjustments/optimizations globally, ex. dynamic blur placeholders.


import type { ImageProps } from 'next/image';
import { ResponsiveImage } from '@natu/ui';
interface SampleProps {
  image: ImageProps;
export const Sample = ({ image }: SampleProps) => <ResponsiveImage {...image} />;


Component rendering differently depends of the props. Renders as div with dangerouslySetInnerHTML prop if html prop is provided, otherwise renders as div with children.

It's used mainly in storyblok-richtext package to render Storyblok-specific richtext properly.


import { Richtext } from '@natu/ui';
interface SampleProps {
  children?: ReactNode;
  html?: string | TrustedHTML;
export const Sample = ({ children, html }: SampleProps) => (
  <Richtext html={html}>{children}</Richtext>


Ready-to-use component which augments native scroll functionality for custom, cross-browser styling. Uses Scroll Area from shadcn/ui ↗ (opens in a new tab) (go there for all implementation & usage details). Usage:

import { ScrollArea } from '@natu/ui';
export const Sample = () => <ScrollArea className={yourStyles}>{children}</ScrollArea>;


Ready-to-use table component. It's already implemented also for Storyblok in storyblok-ui package (opens in a new tab). Usage:

import {
} from '@natu/ui';
export const Sample = () => (
        <TableCell>Row 1 value 1</TableCell>
        <TableCell>Row 1 value 2</TableCell>
        <TableCell>Row 2 value 1</TableCell>
        <TableCell>Row 2 value 2</TableCell>


Ready-to-use tooltip component. Uses Tooltip from shadcn/ui ↗ (opens in a new tab) (go there for all implementation & usage details). Usage:

import { Tooltip, TooltipContent, TooltipProvider, TooltipTrigger } from '@natu/ui';
export const Sample = () => (


Generic component for all the typography. Renders HTML element (p by default) with styling variant and children inside. Uses Slot utility from radix-ui ↗ (opens in a new tab).

Mobile-first approach - the component is styled for mobile by default, and then it's adjusted for larger screens.


import { ElementType, ReactNode } from 'react';
import { Typography } from '@natu/ui';
interface SampleProps {
  children?: ReactNode;
  variant?: variant?: TypographyProps['variant'];
  asChild?: boolean;
export const Sample = ({ children, variant, asChild = false}) => (
  <Typography component='p' variant='text-lg' asChild={asChild}>

Responsive Typography example:

import { ElementType, ReactNode } from 'react';
import { Typography } from '@natu/ui';
interface SampleProps {
  children?: ReactNode;
  variant?: TypographyProps['variant'];
  asChild?: boolean;
// text-base on mobile, text-lg on tablet, text-2xl on desktop
export const Sample = ({ children, variant, asChild = false }) => (
  <Typography component="h2" variant={['text-base', 'text-lg', 'text-2xl']} asChild={asChild}>

The prop asChild - if it's true, the component will render as a child (without the wrapper) - it's very useful ex. for rendering links styled as a desired typography variant.


Ready-to-use Youtube player component. Uses YouTubeEmbed from @next/third-parties/google ↗ (opens in a new tab) (go there for detailed info about params). Usage:

import { YoutubeVideo } from '@natu/ui';
interface SampleProps {
  videoid?: string;
  params?: string;
  playLabel?: string;
export const Sample = ({ videoid, params, playLabel, ...rest }: SampleProps) => (
  <YouTubeVideo videoid={videoid} params={params} playlabel={playLabel} {...rest} />