
🧩 Utils

This package contains utils - small, pure, separate and reusable pieces of code.

The main foundations of this package:

  1. pieces of code are as small as possible, have only one purpose and possibly clear naming
  2. pieces of code are as universal as possible and have minimal communication with each other
  3. package already contains some basic utils and can be extended when developing an app

🤓 Usage

To use utils defined within this package in other package or app, import it as a dependency in its package.json file:

"dependencies": {
  "@natu/utils": "*",

Then import function(s) within package or app you added them to:

import { utilName } from '@natu/utils';

and use where needed:


Utils included



Merges Tailwind classes mixing functionalities of:


import { cn } from '@natu/utils';
const className = cn(
  'mt-2 px-4 w-full',
  condition && twClass3,
  condition2 ? twClass4 : twClass5,
<div className={className} />;


Returns next route path with a domain prefix taken from env. Usage:

// in @natu/env > env.mjs: NEXT_PUBLIC_APP_URL = https://yourdomain.com
import { getNextRouteWithDomain } from '@natu/utils';
const routeWithDomain = getNextRouteWithDomain('/route'); // https://yourdomain.com/route


Checks if the provided prop is array with length > 0. Useful to check if there's anything to map and avoid errors in mappers or unnecessary renders. Usage:

import { isArrayWithLength } from '@natu/utils';
const check1 = isArrayWithLength([1, 2]); // true
const check2 = isArrayWithLength(['apple', 'banana']); // true
const check3 = isArrayWithLength([]); // false (no length)
const check4 = isArrayWithLength('pear'); // false (not array)
const check5 = isArrayWithLength(undefined); // false (not array)



It takes a parameter with value true or false and toggles that value to opposite. It’s useful when we want to take some action into its opposite action, for example: show and hide modal, show more/show less text, open/close side menu.

import { useToggle } from '@natu/utils';
function ToggleDemo({ on, toggle }) {
  return (
      <label className="toggle">
        <input onChange={toggle} className="toggle-checkbox" type="checkbox" checked={on} />
        <div className="toggle-switch"></div>
        <span className="toggle-label">{on ? 'On' : 'Off'}</span>
export default function App() {
  const [on, toggle] = useToggle(true);
  return (
      <button disabled={on} className="link" onClick={() => toggle(true)}>
        Turn On
      <button disabled={!on} className="link" onClick={() => toggle(false)}>
        Turn Off
      <button className="link" onClick={toggle}>
      <button className="link" onClick={() => toggle('nope')}>
        (Also toggles)
      <ToggleDemo toggle={toggle} on={on} />



One source of truth for all paths. Used to avoid any path hardcoding throughout the project.

import { paths } from '@natu/utils';
// use path variable as paths.path_name where needed, ex.
export const Sample = () => <Link href={paths.homepage}>...</Link>;