🧩 Utils
This package contains utils - small, pure, separate and reusable pieces of code.
The main foundations of this package:
- pieces of code are as small as possible, have only one purpose and possibly clear naming
- pieces of code are as universal as possible and have minimal communication with each other
- package already contains some basic utils and can be extended when developing an app
🤓 Usage
To use utils defined within this package in other package or app, import it as a dependency in its package.json
"dependencies": {
"@natu/utils": "*",
Then import function(s) within package or app you added them to:
import { utilName } from '@natu/utils';
and use where needed:
Utils included
Merges Tailwind classes mixing functionalities of:
- tailwind-merge ↗ (opens in a new tab) - optimized merge of classes without style conflicts
- clsx ↗ (opens in a new tab) - optimized and convenient conditions handling
import { cn } from '@natu/utils';
const className = cn(
'mt-2 px-4 w-full',
condition && twClass3,
condition2 ? twClass4 : twClass5,
<div className={className} />;
Returns next route path with a domain prefix taken from env. Usage:
// in @natu/env > env.mjs: NEXT_PUBLIC_APP_URL = https://yourdomain.com
import { getNextRouteWithDomain } from '@natu/utils';
const routeWithDomain = getNextRouteWithDomain('/route'); // https://yourdomain.com/route
Checks if the provided prop is array with length > 0. Useful to check if there's anything to map and avoid errors in mappers or unnecessary renders. Usage:
import { isArrayWithLength } from '@natu/utils';
const check1 = isArrayWithLength([1, 2]); // true
const check2 = isArrayWithLength(['apple', 'banana']); // true
const check3 = isArrayWithLength([]); // false (no length)
const check4 = isArrayWithLength('pear'); // false (not array)
const check5 = isArrayWithLength(undefined); // false (not array)
It takes a parameter with value true or false and toggles that value to opposite. It’s useful when we want to take some action into its opposite action, for example: show and hide modal, show more/show less text, open/close side menu.
import { useToggle } from '@natu/utils';
function ToggleDemo({ on, toggle }) {
return (
<label className="toggle">
<input onChange={toggle} className="toggle-checkbox" type="checkbox" checked={on} />
<div className="toggle-switch"></div>
<span className="toggle-label">{on ? 'On' : 'Off'}</span>
export default function App() {
const [on, toggle] = useToggle(true);
return (
<button disabled={on} className="link" onClick={() => toggle(true)}>
Turn On
<button disabled={!on} className="link" onClick={() => toggle(false)}>
Turn Off
<button className="link" onClick={toggle}>
<button className="link" onClick={() => toggle('nope')}>
(Also toggles)
<ToggleDemo toggle={toggle} on={on} />
One source of truth for all paths. Used to avoid any path hardcoding throughout the project.
import { paths } from '@natu/utils';
// use path variable as paths.path_name where needed, ex.
export const Sample = () => <Link href={paths.homepage}>...</Link>;