👌 Requirements to get started
node - v18.18.2
yarn - v1.22.17
✅ Node
To install Node.js, you can follow the nvm documentation available at https://github.com/nvm-sh/nvm (opens in a new tab).
nvm use 18.18.2
Once installed, you can check the version using the following command:
node --version
Ensure that the command returns v18.18.2
to confirm that you have the correct version installed.
✅ Yarn
The Turbo Repo utilizes Yarn package manager.
To install Yarn, you can follow the official documentation available at https://yarnpkg.com (opens in a new tab). Once installed, you can check the version using the following command:
yarn --version
Ensure that the command returns 1.22.17
to confirm that you have the correct version installed.