Contribution Guide

Docs Contribution Guide

Welcome to the Naturaily storyblok starter Docs Contribution Guide! We're excited to have you here.

Our goal is to ensure that everyone in the community feels empowered to contribute and improve our docs and application.

How to Contribute

The docs content can be found on the our repository (opens in a new tab). To contribute, you can edit the files directly on GitHub or clone the repo and edit the files locally.

Fork this repository

Create your branch

git checkout -b my-awesome-contribution

Commit your changes

git commit -m 'feat: Add some awesome contribution'

Push to the branch

git push origin my-awesome-contribution

Open a pull request in our repository

Code Blocks

We use the nextra component to render code blocks. Go to their documentation (opens in a new tab) to learn more.

Extensions for VSCode

We also recommend the following extensions for VSCode users: