Getting Started
Deploy on Vercel

Import repository to Vercel


  • Ensure that the root directory is set to apps/web (it should be the default).

  • Add environment variables. You will find all the variables after successfully completing the setup process at this path: apps/web/.env

Set the preview domain in Storyblok CMS

If the deployment process was successful, copy the page address and add it to Storyblok.

Copy URL from Vercel: Vercel success

Paste URL in Storyblok: Vercel success


URL should end with / slash.

Example: https://<your-domain-name>

Setup revalidate webhook

A webhook allows for updating pages without the need to rebuild the entire project.

As the endpoint URL, pass:


You will find the token under the variable NEXT_PUBLIC_STORYBLOK_PREVIEW_TOKEN in the file apps/web/.env

Vercel success


Remember to check all the checkboxes in the Story accordion


More information about revalidate webhook here