Getting Started

🎯 Getting Started

To start using the Turbo Repo with Node.js and Yarn, follow these steps:

Install project dependencies

yarn install

Create new Storyblok space

Create space

Create space

Depending on the selection in the Server Location field, you will need to create the appropriate variable in the .env file in the 4 step.

Create new Personal Access Token (PAT) in your Storyblok's account settings

Personal access token

Copy the token and save it. We will need it in the next step.

Fill in the required environment variables.

STORYBLOK_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN - The token was generated in step 3.

STORYBLOK_REGION - The value en or us, depending on the region you chose when creating the space in step 2.

STORYBLOK_SPACE_ID - ou can find this value in the settings tab in Storyblok.


STORYBLOK_SPACE_ID should not contain #!



Delete unnecessary items in your space

When creating a new space in Storyblok, it adds several default components and a Home page story. We don't want this. The script you will run in the next step will create these items anew.

Remove story

Remove story

Remove components

Remove components

Run the storyblok-setup script

  yarn storyblok:setup

The script will create several items for you in Storyblok CMS:

  • Datasources,
  • Few components in block library,
  • The basic page structure in the content tab, which includes homepage, global header, global footer, configuration story, not found page, redirects

The script will also create a .env file in the apps/web/.env directory based on your data. Finally, the command yarn dev will be automatically executed.
